Tired of Daytime Glasses and Contact Lenses?
Orthokeratology is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that allows most people to eliminate their need for glasses and contact lenses during the day.
Is Orthokeratology Right For You?
Orthokeratology has been around for several decades but advances in lens designs and materials have allowed for greater precision and convenience in correcting vision. The latest lenses are worn only while sleeping. When you awaken you will have clear, sharp, natural vision for all of your waking hours. There are now lenses capable of correcting nearsightedness (Myopia), farsightedness (Hyperopia), astigmatism, and blurred near vision (Presbyopia). The lenses are a great alternative for those wanting to correct vision but are not ready for a surgical treatment.

When a person can’t see, it is because their eye is too long, too short or misshaped. Because of this images do not focus on the retina and vision is blurred. During your fitting, measurements are taken about your eye shape, size, and the degree of your vision problem. Lenses are then custom designed to correct each person’s unique eye and vision profile. The lenses themselves are manufactured by very precise computer-assisted lathes, using a highly oxygen-permeable material. This allows the lens to breath overnight thus maintaining eye health. At the same time the specialized shape of the lens molds the eye into a precise shape to correct your sight.
Your vision is made clearer after the first night; however, it can take up to a month to have your vision corrected to its maximal level. In low corrections some people are able to go without vision correction after the first night. For those that take longer, temporary soft contact lenses can be worn.
Orthokeratology was approved as a safe procedure by the The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2002. Those who fit orthokeratology lenses must go through a fitting certification program and pass a competency exam, as well as be licensed to fit contact lenses in the state of California. The procedure itself is reversible if lens wear is discontinued. It should be noted that all contact lenses carry a small risks that in rare cases can be vision threatening. This risk can be minimized by adopting a regime of careful cleaning and disinfecting and following the advice of Dr. Amundsen, including keeping all necessary follow-up visits.
Orthokeratology and Children
Children as young as age five can be fit with lenses. Studies have shown that wearing orthokeratology lenses can slow the progression of nearsightedness (myopia). Please click here to learn more about nearsighted prevention.
Dr. Amundsen’s Experience with Orthokeratology
Dr. Amundsen began fitting orthokeratology lenses in the late 1980s when lenses were only worn during the day. His experience with nighttime orthokeratology began in the late 1990s. He has participated in manufacturers’ studies and fit hundreds of cases over the years. Dr. Amundsen is highly experienced in the wear and caring of orthokeratology lenses. Dr. Amundsen is a member of Tree House Eyes. This group specializes in managing Myopia in Children. One of the primary ways this is done is through orthokeratology. We offer state of the art testing though the use of the Medmont corneal topographer regarded as the best instrument in the industry for orthokeratology fitting. You can be assured you are getting the best care possible when you choose to have your eyes fit with orthokeratology lenses at his practice.
Different Names for Orthokeratology
Orthokeratology has been known under a variety of names over the years including CRT (Corneal Refractive Therapy), VST (Vision Shaping Technology), AOK Accelerated Orthokeratology) , GVSS (Gentle Vision Shaping System), Gentle Molding and OCR (Overnight Corneal Reshaping). There may be subtle technology differences that are associated with these names but all fall under the general umbrella of Orthokeratology.
Am I a Candidate for Orthokeratology?
- Are you unable to wear contact lenses due to allergies?
- Do you suffer from dry eye that makes wearing contact lenses difficult?
- Are you tired of getting debris under your rigid contact lenses?
- Would you like to enjoy sports without wearing glasses or your daytime lenses?
- Would you like to be able to snorkel and actually see the fish?
If you would like to learn more, please call our office at (805) 482-1136 or visit our contact page to send us email.
Ready to Schedule an Appointment?
Call (805) 482-1136 or use our contact form to schedule an appointment with us.